Category Archives: #pajamaparty

CTMH Artbooking and Big Picture Classes

I am so excited that Close to my Heart is teaming up with Big Picture Classes again for a fun Pajama Party- if you missed out on the first one then you missed out on fun, prizes and a really great project! 

This July 31st they are doing another and this is the project they will be creating- now the key product for this (the artbooking cartridge) is not available until the next day so you can order it that day from me and come back here to create the layout OR you can order a kit now for $10 and get all your pieces and create along with the party!

Key things to know about this project:
  • this layout was created using ONE KEY on the artbooking cartridge- ONE!! 
  • fast, simple and easy- the layout came together in about 20 minutes! Took longer to round up my kids and take their pics for the layout!
to order yours (on August 1st) visit my website or contact me

Until we craft again, The Brae-er