Family Friday: Cardiac Kids BBQ


Although being a Mom of a child with a congenital heart defect is never a ‘walk in the park’ it certainly can make for a really fun day at the park!  ESPECIALLY when we are invited to a family BBQ with Cardiac Kids- an organization that supports the cardiac kids and families at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. Austin was born with an aeortic stenosis- a valve defect that last year needed to be addressed through valve replacement surgery. He did great and ended up the proud owner of a ‘donor’ valve- he now considers himself part Zombie!!

My sweet boy does not like photos so at the beginning of this BBQ he would NOT pose for any photos- by the end of the afternoon all the fun was taking effect and I got a few in- of course his little sister was only too happy to smile for some photos- especially when with her favourite friends!

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Here is my cardiac kid climbing a volcano- he was determined to make it to the very top! The first try he was close. Second try he did it and was VERY proud!


Some yummy cotton candy and a trip to the velcro wall! He even made a new friend – we had such a great time and cannot wait for next year!

Thanks Cardiac Kids!!


Until we craft again, The Brae-er