Monthly Archives: June 2014

Artistic Adventure Mini Album

artistic adventure album cover

Convention is always a magical time of year- for CTMH consultants I think it is MORE exciting than Christmas! The fun of new product reveals (and how they reveal them is always a true show) and getting time to play with all the new stuff… sigh… it is heaven on earth!

Now today I am still at Disneyland… riding rides and having some girl time with my BFF Sarah BUT before I left I wanted to make sure I had some fun stuff set up for you! I hope you like it- we created this on Thursday at convention and all I will need to add when I get home are my photos!

This mini album is created with the following new products: Chalk it up Picture my Life, Striped Twill Ribbon, and and the Chalk it Up Assortment.  I also used a few of our new stamps… but those you will have to wait to see… (insert slightly evil laugh here).

artistic adventure page eight artistic adventure page five artistic adventure page four artistic adventure page nine artistic adventure page one artistic adventure page six artistic adventure page ten artistic adventure page three artistic adventure page two artistic adventure seven artistic adventure back cover

Want to make an album like this for a special trip you have been on? or to document a special moment? comment below and I will consider this as a kit for the upcoming fall/winter kits!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

CTMH Convention Sneak Peek


Want a sneak peek of what we have been seeing here at convention….it ends today but these memories will last a lifetime and I cannot wait to share all the fantastic new product with you!

convention teaser collage

Be sure to visit back soon as I will be sharing out convention mini album in a few days!

In the meantime… happy dreaming about new stuff to come 🙂

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

Hello Summer Mini Book Kit

hello summer cover ad

I am excited to offer my FIRST kit- order-able July 1st for only $40!

In your ‘Hello Summer Mini Book KIt’ you will receive everything you need to create the mini book you see here INCLUDING full colour instructions.  Your kit will include:

Kraft Hip Pic Album

Pre-cut and pre-stamped pieces of papers and cardstock

Flamingo Dots

My Crush Best Day Even Assortment

Gold Polka Dot Washi Tape


To pre-order your kit contact me at my email ( If you are not local to me then shipping will be added on to get the kit to you 🙂

hello summer page 1 hello summer page eight hello summer page five hello summer page four hello summer page seven hello summer page six hello summer page three hello summer page two

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

CTMH Convention 2014



I am off to the Happiest place on Earth – a place well know for how it can make you feel like a kid again!! It couldn’t be much better than mixing Disneyland with Close to my Heart!!!
See you all in a week with lots of news and maybe even a few sneak peeks….

for now here is a video that shows my emotions right now …


Until we craft again, The Brae-er

My CTMH family

Last month I was lucky enough to get to spend some time with my CTMH family.  Some of the corporate staff came to Canada and did a tour of different cities while hosting an event called Rediscover. This event was for consultants only and was a way to get in touch with why they joined, get motivated and get inspired!!

Since my team spreads across Canada I decided that I needed to be present at the Rediscover events where I had the most team members- that meant Halifax and Toronto (although I would have liked to have kept going across Canada to be at all since I had a team member or two at each event).  It was a whirlwind but so AMAZING! I loved meeting in person some of my team and getting a chance to know them even a little bit more!

Here is my CTMH Halifax family (not all my East coast peeps made it of course but we had a great turnout!)

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Here is my Toronto crew- yes the largest part of my team is in Ontario and almost 100 of us were at this event. As it was a sold out event I felt a little bad for the 35 or so consultants present that were not Brae-er Team members.

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This is me and Sheri- a year ago I barely knew her and she was not part of my team. Around August she decided that she wanted to be part of what I had going on and asked for her team to join mine- at the time she had no upline so this was allowed.  To say I have been blessed since she has joined me would be an understatement- her energy and enthusiasm and sheer excitement to be part of my team has been inspiring and I think I have gotten the most out of this relationship (although I know she would argue the point).

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This is the sweet gift Sheri gave me to thank me for this past year- I am really so lucky!!! And she is just one of over 400 women on my team… each as inspiring to me as the next. I really, truly LOVE what I do!!!

ctmh family post

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

‘Little One’ Layout

Today’s layout follows the theme of the month- using those Picture my Life cards or My Crush assortments in your traditional layouts.  This layout shows BOTH- you can see the cards as squares in my strip on the right and as the background images in my polaroid die-cuts.  These images are from the Laughing Lola collection and worked perfectly for my layout of my new little nephew- Gibson.

I have the My Crush assortments used on both sides as little journaling bits, the pennants and the stickers along the white piece that give the significant stats about his birth.

little one layout

Here is a close up of some of the pieces to my layout.
little one layout close 1

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

Valentine’s Layout

I know what you are thinking- Valentine’s? That was months ago and will not be here for months to come BUT it fits the monthly theme of using those out-of-the-box items (either My Crush assortments or Picture my Life cards) on traditional scrapbooking pages.  Here I used the Picture my Life cards from the Avonlea kit.

You can see the obvious cards that I placed on my layout- for the title and journaling box. I used another card that I cut up for my subtitle- quick, easy and perfect!!

Added in to my layout – a piece of cardstock from the Free to be Me paper, our red chevron washi tape, embellishments from the Base and Bling red jewels, slate twist ties and some of our marquee white shapes.

valentines layout
valentines layout close 1


Are you convinced yet?? You HAVE to try these!

Click SHOP above to go to my online shopping website and order yours today!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

Technique Tuesday: Using Overlays

You may have noticed that overlays are quite the thing right now in paper crafting- they popped up on the scene just over a year ago and thankfully, CTMH was right on top of the trend and introduced overlays on our CTMH Cricut Artbooking cartridge.  They are so fun and versatile!!

You can use them just as they are – like I did in my layout below.  I layered the circle overlay from Artbooking with paper (from timberline) and my photos.  I also added in some My Crush assortments and embellishments from a variety of different CTMH products.

check layout
check layout close 1


check layout close 2


How else can you use overlays?

Cut them down and use portions for a fun accessory or embellishment.

Use them as a stencil to spray or sponge through.

Use them on layouts, cards or other 3D projects.

Let your imagination soar! What would you or have you created with overlays??

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

Dare to Fly Layout

I am so excited to share this ‘Dare to Fly’ layout with you- I LOVE it!! It has to be one of my favourite ones that I have created EVER.
dare to fly layout

Our Ariana paper was perfect for the shabby chic look I was going for.  I used our CTMH cricut Art Philosophy for the big circle in the back and then cut pieces of paper to layer over it.  I even tore the edges of some of the pieces- something I have not done in a long time.  I used two cards from the Chantilly Picture my Life set for my title and my journaling box (so perfect!) and then adorned with accessories from our Frosted collection last catalogue- I had one pack left and they were just the perfect addition.  And I added my last piece of lagoon zipper lace- so love this and now have to buy more!!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

Picture My Life Layout

I have been creating more layouts using some of our unconventional products- this one using our Picture My Life pocket scrapbooking cards in my layout.  These are cards from our Later Sk8r set (and even though they paper is retired I had just enough left to use as part of this layout).

The quotes and images on these cards can add the perfect accent touch to your layout- like mine do here for our 4 wheel fun photos.  I also added some pieces and stickers from one of our My Crush Assortments (they are perfect for so many things!).  I finished the layout off with some epoxy bubbles, slate twist ties and a title cut from the CTMH cricut Artbooking.

big ideas layout


Here is a close up of one of the cards and you can see some of the My Crush Assortments used as a flag under the card and for the name on the top of the photo.


big ideas layout close 1


Have you tried out Picture my Life Kits yet?? What have you used them for?

Until we craft again, The Brae-er