Tag Archives: layout

Going on a Safari? Layout

Well I wish we were going on a Safari, but we did do the Canadian version of one! A few summers ago we visited African Lion Safari- a favourite tourist destination of our’s. You get to drive through very large areas where animals are living in a much more humane setting- no small cages or enclosures here. Of course, you keep your windows up and hope for the best when you drive through the monkey area but it is a great way to see animals in a much more natural setting!

Because we visit African Lion Safari often I was having a hard time deciding how I was going to scrapbook this visit- how would I make it stand out form other trips? Well our Memo Fundamental paper had the answer when I saw the map (especially the piece with Africa on it)  – how perfect! In the end I used that paper as my launchpad and developed a layout that I am very happy with! Big on memories from that day.
African Lion blog1

Items used: Memo Fundamentals, My Boy complements, Jennifer’s Hand Stamp set

African Lion blog 2

Have you tried our Memo Fundamental paper yet? I would love to see your creations- link them in the comments below!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

Babies First Year Album

There is nothing more precious and magical then your babies first year. They are so cute and squishy at the beginning and by the end of that year they are walking and say a few words and have developed into little… humans! It is crazy AND it all goes by in a blink of an eye! Seriously- a blink! That is why you need to document those memories- preserve them or you will regret it – and those cute, squishy babies will make you regret it! I promise you. Don’t believe me. Then ask my youngest sister who STILL TO THIS DAY brings up her lack of a baby album to my poor mother.

So, to prevent this future calamity you have to sign up for my ‘Babies First Year’ album workshop. This is the only thing that will save you. No joke!

In this workshop you will create 12 single layouts. Each page will document a month in your sweet babies first year. Add a few photos, write a cute story about that time they peed in Daddy’s mouth…. you know the drill.

(And if you are wondering, yes, my son did that.)

Here are some photos that show the BLUE Version of this workshop. There is also a PINK version and I encourage you to pick the one that best works for you.

baby fundamental 3

My nephew will luck out and get this for Christmas. He is the youngest and I never did a full album for his older brother’s SO I am actually setting him up to have the BETTER book – ha!

baby fundamental baby fundamental 2

This workshop will be available online and in my home.

In home workshop is October 23 from 1-4 in the afternoon. Bring you adhesive, order your product (at least two weeks ahead of time) and feel free to bring your baby too!

Online workshop is FREE to those who purchase the materials though my SHOP .

Workshop includes:

Whimsy Fundamental Paper Pack

Whimsy Fundamental Complements (either Baby Boy or Baby Girl)

Seaglass glitter paper

White Daisy Cardstock

Capture This Stamp Set

Canary and Whisper Cardstock

PS. If you are a GREAT friend or grandparent or anyone who has a baby in their life- this makes a WONDERFUL gift for a new parent.

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

Key 6: Flower Market Cricut Cartridge

Have you seen our newest circut cartridge? Flower Market is so much more than flowers (but the flowers are pretty amazing!). I will be sharing few videos a month that show just what you can do with this cartridge. Hang on to your hats ladies as this is going to be a very fun ride!

This video features Key 6 (I cannot believe how much you can create with just one key!)- watch how you can pull together a very feminine look for a layout. Perfect for a little girl page.

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

The most Magical paper for layouts!

What is the most magical paper for layouts you ask?

Well, any paper that can help compliment your photos and tie together the story you are telling with your journaling. For the photos I had to work with, that paper was ‘Magical’.  During the summer you likely end up with a variety of events featuring photos with bright, primary colours in them- amusement parks, festivals, family trips and picnics… all of these events could fit.  The best paper we have to showcase those events is our Magical line (and if you have ever been lucky enough to vacation to Disney – parks, cruise or resorts- then this paper is a perfect match for those photos!).

My layout may seem familiar. I took a page that was showcased in our current Seasonal Expression and made it into a two page layout. I LOVED the circle (and it was very easy to create- cut circles on your cricut machine and then slice them like a pie. For mine I used both sides so that I could conserve paper). The colours in this line worked perfectly with the colours throughout the carnival we had for Canada Day last year. I was able to show my daughter having fun on all her favourite rides (and somehow even managed to get a photo with me in it!!!).

magical layout

Product used in this layout:

Magical Paper Pack

Magical Sequins

Magical Complements

All of these items are only available for another TWO WEEKS!!! You heard me right- two weeks. I am excited for the new stuff that will come BUT will be sad to see such great stuff leaving. Here is the worse part… some of the items in the current seasonal book have already sold out! So, be sure to visit my SHOP and get what you need before you are left without the most magical paper for your summer layouts.

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

Chalk it Up Layout

first day of grade 5


I love how a one page layout can be just the thing for some tough situations as a scrapbooker. For years I was a devout and faithful two-pager. I just couldn’t imagine not having pages that matched looking back at me from my scrapbook. I even disdained the pages of others who had mismatched pages (in my head only of course). I saw no logic or beauty on their pages and could not wrap my head around why you would even need a one page layout.

Well.. I a happy to say I am converted! I now love the one page layout for a variety of reasons:

  1. They are the answer for the memory that you want to scrapbook but have very few photos for- just use a one pager and let that memory shine!
  2. They are creatively freeing- yes they really are! I don’t know why but I always feel like I can be more creative and risky on a one pager than on a traditional layout.
  3. Great use of the last little bit of papers in a paper pack- you can make them stretch much better on a one pager. Add a piece of cardstock or some PML cards (like in my example) and even scraps can become a beautiful layout.
  4. I feel so very artsy! Every time (and yes this kind of ties in with number two but it was a big ‘aha’ moment for me)- I just love how artsy and creative I feel when creating a one pager!

Now if you like me are suffering and have yet to try the one-pager then I urge you to give it a go- find a layout you love the look of and ‘scraplift’ it or just go for it and try to get in touch with your inner-child crafter who first stumbled across your love of scissors, glue and glitter! I would love to know how it goes!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

Cross Canada Easter Blog Hop

Welcome to our Cross Canada Blog Hop where we will be sharing creations inspired by Easter! Have fun ‘hopping’ coast to coast across Canada to see what our whole group has created for you!

My layout was created using the Brushed paper pack.  I added some of our white shimmer trim,  smoothie striped washi, brushed complements and brushed assortment. This paper is not going anywhere until later this summer and it is the PERFECT paper for spring photos (especially Easter!).

This hop was also the perfect reason for me to get some scrapbooking done of my Easter pics- for some reason they have piled up and I have not done any layouts of Easter since my daughter was born (she is almost 4). I think that part of me was waiting for this paper 🙂

easter brushed layout

Now hop on over to Carol’s blog to see what she has created for you!


Until we craft again, The Brae-er

Free to be Me Layout

free to be layout

Did you see the gorgeous May National Scrapbooking Month paper we have released??  Free to be Me is so pretty and full of bright colours perfect for many occasions! You receive patterned paper, cardstock with an embossed pattern side and a plain side AND two sheets of vellum paper (one is gold polka dot and the other has feathers on it!)

How do you get this?

Spend $50 this month on my website and you will be able to receive this paper for only $5!!! You will ALSO be eligible to purchase the May Stamp of the Month (featured in my card from May 1st) for $5- take both and save over $15 on your purchase!!

Better yet…. when you purchase the Free to be Paper from me this month I will send you a PDF workshop file that details two layouts and a series of cards that you can make with your papers!! FREE!

free to be layout close up

Don’t miss out!

SHOP here!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er