Tag Archives: Fresh Paint

Fresh Paint is a very re’fresh’ingly fun!

I will admit when I first saw this paper I did not have a good reaction. It was SOOOOOO different from all the papers we have offered over my 17 years with CTMH. But, as I have learned through the years, sometimes when you actually begin to play with the paper you fall in love and I am happy to report that it happened again!

Like many of you, I had pictures that I had just not found the right fit for yet. Many of these were masculine photos and some…. some were concert photos. I cannot remember where I was when the realization set in (I know it was not the craft room) but I was struck with the thought that this paper was PERFECT for a concert I had been to a few years ago. I was excited to find time to play and make this page a reality!

This was such a fun page to put together- I relived the memories of the concert (I am also seeing them again next month and will be saving some Fresh Paint paper for that layout), found freedom in the fun colours and patterns of Fresh Paint and found myself having so much fun! Check out the close up photos of some of the accent clusters. 

I also had a bunch of great photos of my nephews that I never had the right paper to bring these photos to life. Fresh Paint again saved the day (okay maybe not the day but at least the memory). The colours and the spray-graffiti look were just perfect. If you haven’t checked this paper out then I highly encourage you to do so and soon- it is only available until the end of June!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er