Single Page Saturday: Single page layouts are FUN!

family reunion old photo

Lately I have been VERY inspired by one page layouts- I have a bunch of older photos or single photos which I love but had no way of logically scrapbooking them all together (that I like anyway).  There is SOOOOOOOOO much inspiration in pinterest (I have a whole board full of inspiration for cards and layouts).

It may seem silly but I find a single page layout freeing- the process has a different feel when it is only one page I am working on. When I work on two I approach it a with a whole different attitude and thought process.

For this layout I used more pieces from the My Crush Assortments you can purchase for use in our Crush albums- the ONLY paper that is from an actual kit is the back pink chevron piece (from Ivy Lane).  I have to admit- I had to buy another pack of the crush assortments! This will be my third but they are just so perfect for so many things (and at $4.95 they are well worth the money!)

family reunion old photos closeI also used my spray pen with a reinker/water mix in it, some of our sequins (new product alert!) and a stamp set (also new!!)

Do you scrapbook in two-page layouts or do you sometimes try a single page? How does this make you feel? I would love to know your thoughts!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

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