Scrapbooking ‘Older’ Photos

Scrapbooking ‘older’ photos can sometimes be a challenge- especially if you don’t want to use a paper that evokes the feeling of heritage.  That was the case for me with my photo- one of me as a wee baby (super cute!) on a lovely 70’s style sofa.  It was a small photo that had more couch in it then baby so the first thing I did was take it in to be resized so that I could show more of the baby and less of the couch.  Since photos in the 70s were taken once (no mass photo shoots of cute babies then) I had no choice but to use a one page layout.
love smiles single layout

I cut a circle on my cricut on the ‘fit to page’ setting and used it as a template for drawing my circles on the layout- three in total slightly overlapping.  I then layered my photo with bits of patterned paper and cardstock.  I added a tag and some stickers and then lots of fun (and matching) accessories around the circle. I LOVE how it all came out and am excited to tackle other photos from my childhood now.

Have you scrapbooked your childhood photos?

Share them in a link in the comments below.

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

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