4 Fabulous Tips from Convention!!

Lucky me!! I won two artboards at convention this year! These are very coveted as they are created by the extrememely talented people that work in the corporate art studio. The boards I won focused on colour and I will share with you the 4 tips that they shared with all of us!
1. When you have busy patterns and textures, let colour be your embellishment.
2. Use the lipstick marks (in the catalogue at the top of most pages) to inspire you.

3. If you have a favourite colour that you want to highlight, add it to an otherwise neutral colour scheme and watch it pop!
4. When it comes to choosing colour, be you. If it doesn’t follow a rule, but YOU like it and it fits your style… then go for it!

Watch for more beautiful ideas from this board tomorrow!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

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